Case Study - Subject Returns to Italy following crash in U.S.


UpStream’s surveillance team was featured in DigiStream’s November Clip of the Month following their efforts capturing footage of an Italian citizen involved in litigation filed in the U.S. This assignment featured several unique factors that often not present in stateside investigations, which presented opportunities for our team to demonstrate several advanced techniques in the field.

Multi-Crew Surveillance

In part due to the narrow, one-way, streets most European cities have, and in part due to the subject owning a motorcycle, multiple investigators were deployed on this assignment. The subject’s ability to quickly turn and bypass traffic was compensated for with multiple vehicles following and reporting on his movements during the course of surveillance.

This proved extremely effective and allowed our investigators to capture over an hour of footage showing the subject riding on his motorcycle in a single day.

Public Records

While the U.S. features several major background data vendors, this is often not the case overseas. Knowing which records are available and where to obtain them can often be challenging, but our team retrieved filings related to the subject’s carpentry business prior to beginning field efforts. This verification allowed us to accurately predict the route the subject would take during his commute and position our investigators accordingly. Additionally, records also revealed a prior injury claim filed in Italy for the same body part involved in the subject’s U.S-based litigation.

Summary: A through understanding of the locality and the availability of records can prepare surveillance teams for success even prior to deploying boots to the ground.

CasesMalcolm Rivera